Vice President

Vice President 

    President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush in July 1981.
President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush in 1981.

     Almost disappearing from the political world for two years, Bush announced his running for presidency in the 1980 presidential elections.  Although Bush lost to Republican nominee Ronald Reagan, he made a strong appearance and surprisingly to everyone was chosen by Reagan to be running mate.  The reason why everyone was shocked was that at first when the two were opponents fighting for Republican nominee, they were seen as two men on opposite sides of the Republican party.  Bush was considered a moderate while Reagan was considered a conservative.  Despite their different opinions on issues, Bush was faithful to Reagan and as he jokingly commented, "I'm for Reagan, blindly." he kept his personal political opinions to himself.  Many saw this as a lack of strong principle.  Bush served Reagan for his two terms as president.

11/04/1980 - (L-R) Barbara Bush and husband, George Herbert Walker Bush, celebrate his election as the next Vice President of the United States at the Houston Oaks Hotel in Houston. The Bushes gathered with familly and supporters at the hotel to await the 1980 presidential election results. Bill Thompson / Houston Post  HPOST CAPTION (11/05/1980): Bush, wife Barbara celebrate victory at Houston Oaks Hotel Photo: Bill Thompson, Houston Chronicle / Houston Post files
Vice President George H.W. Bush in 1980 elections

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