

      George H.W. Bush was born on June 12 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts.  His family was a close knit New England descent.  Bush went to Phillips Academy Prep school a year early after convincing his parents because he wanted to be with his brother Prescott.  However, in Bush’s junior year he was diagnosed with staph infection and spent six weeks in the hospital.  After being released from medical care, Bush decided to repeat his junior year and was then among students his age.  His siblings called this time in his life “the making of George Bush.”  Bush was elected class president his senior year and captain of his baseball and soccer team.  Being involved in a variety of different clubs, he became very popular.  His sister Nancy even said, “I was terribly popular for a while –everyone wanted to come to our house because they might run into George.”  George Bush was quite the popular one in school.

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